You can open a completed version of the tutorial movie to better understand how your finished file will appear.
In this section, you’ll accomplish the following tasks:
• Analyze the completed movie using the Property inspector and Movie Explorer
• Examine a movie clip and discern its relationship to the main movie
• View the types of assets included in the movie
1 Within your Flash MX application folder, browse to Tutorials/FlashIntro and double-click stiletto.swf to open the completed movie in the stand-alone Flash Player. Published Flash movies have the SWF extension; documents in the authoring environment
have the FLA extension.
2 When the movie opens, watch the three views of the car fade in and out. You’ll create this animation by tweening bitmap effects within a movie clip.
3 Listen to the sound that plays continuously while the movie plays. This is an example of a streaming sound.
4 Roll over the three buttons along the lower right edge of the window to view the rollover effect, and to hear the event sounds included in each button. 5 Click a button to see where it links, then close the browser that opened and return to the SWF file. 6 After viewing the movie, click its close box.
CHAPTER 1 - Introduction to Flash MX Tutorial
CHAPTER 1 - What you should know
CHAPTER 1 - View the completed movie
CHAPTER 1 - Analyze the stiletto.fla file
CHAPTER 1 - Define properties for a new document and create a ...
CHAPTER 1 - Create and mask vector art
CHAPTER 1 - Tween bitmap effects within a movie cl...
CHAPTER 1 - Load dynamic text at runtime
CHAPTER 1 - Add animation and navigation to button...
CHAPTER 1 - Add streaming and event sounds
CHAPTER 1 - Organize your Library panel
CHAPTER 1 - Test download performance and publish ...
CHAPTER 1 - The next steps
CHAPTER 2 - Introduction to ActionScript Tutorial
CHAPTER 2 - View a completed movie
CHAPTER 2 - Initialize the movie
CHAPTER 2 - Save and retrieve information
CHAPTER 2 - Display information in a dynamic text ...
CHAPTER 2 - Write an expression
CHAPTER 2 - Control the flow ofthe movie
CHAPTER 2 - Create commands and reuse code
CHAPTER 2 - Use a built-in object
CHAPTER 2 - Test the movie
CHAPTER 2 - The next steps
CHAPTER 3 - Introduction to Components Tutorial
CHAPTER 3 - Types of components
CHAPTER 3 - View the completed form
CHAPTER 3 - Create a form
CHAPTER 3 - The next steps