Friday, March 13, 2009

CHAPTER 1 - The next steps

By completing all eight sections of the tutorial, you’ve learned much about creating Flash movies, including how to complete the following tasks:

• Analyze a completed movie
• Define document properties and create a gradient
• Create and mask vector art
• Tween bitmap effects within a movie clip
• Load dynamic text
• Modify buttons and add navigation
• Add streaming and event sounds
• Test and publish a movie

Continue learning more about Flash capabilities by taking the Introduction to ActionScript Tutorial under Help > Tutorials. Designed for ActionScript novices, the tutorial introduces you to scripting concepts while allowing you to build a jigsaw puzzle with actions. Additionally, you can search for articles and Tech Notes about Flash MX in the Macromedia award-winning Support Center. To access the site, go to and click Support.
CHAPTER 1 - Introduction to Flash MX Tutorial
CHAPTER 1 - What you should know
CHAPTER 1 - View the completed movie
CHAPTER 1 - Analyze the stiletto.fla file
CHAPTER 1 - Define properties for a new document and create a ...
CHAPTER 1 - Create and mask vector art
CHAPTER 1 - Tween bitmap effects within a movie cl...
CHAPTER 1 - Load dynamic text at runtime
CHAPTER 1 - Add animation and navigation to button...
CHAPTER 1 - Add streaming and event sounds
CHAPTER 1 - Organize your Library panel
CHAPTER 1 - Test download performance and publish ...
CHAPTER 1 - The next steps
CHAPTER 2 - Introduction to ActionScript Tutorial
CHAPTER 2 - View a completed movie
CHAPTER 2 - Initialize the movie
CHAPTER 2 - Save and retrieve information
CHAPTER 2 - Display information in a dynamic text ...
CHAPTER 2 - Write an expression
CHAPTER 2 - Control the flow ofthe movie
CHAPTER 2 - Create commands and reuse code
CHAPTER 2 - Use a built-in object
CHAPTER 2 - Test the movie
CHAPTER 2 - The next steps
CHAPTER 3 - Introduction to Components Tutorial
CHAPTER 3 - Types of components
CHAPTER 3 - View the completed form
CHAPTER 3 - Create a form
CHAPTER 3 - The next steps